
Friday, August 16, 2013

A Message From Your Co-Vice President

Welcome, incoming students and welcome back, returning students! I hope you've had a great summer and are looking forward to the coming year. We have a lot of great activities and events planned for the next two semesters.

Our first official club event of the year will be next Friday, August 23rd, immediately after the Intro to Food Science orientation class ends. We're having a fundraising dinner at Ruby's Diner in Orange from 5:30-9:00 PM. Ruby's is within walking distance of campus (186 N Atchison St), so come join us for dinner, and bring the above flyer with you. Ruby's will donate 20% of your bill (excluding alcohol) to the Food Science and Nutrition Student Association! It's a great opportunity to get to know your classmates and professors and raise funds for our club's activities at the same time. Ruby's will ONLY donate a portion of your bill if you present this flyer, so please print it out and bring it with you, and make sure you present it when you pay! A reminder will be sent out next week just in case.

We will also have FSNSA t-shirts available for sale (cash only please) for $15 each. We look forward to seeing you there!

Jessica Hallstrom