Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Recipe: Cookie Mint Ice Cream

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend! We're already halfway through the second week of the semester, the weekend is close by again! With the constant heat and humidity I've been trying out all sorts of ice cream recipes so I thought I'd share!

For a base I've found that the following recipe (adapted from David Lebovitz who also wrote a book!) is great! The original recipe does ask for egg yolks, but I've left them out (mainly because I left my thermometer with my parents and did not have it on hand) and the ice cream was still incredibly creamy - just make sure to churn it a bit longer and minimize the amount of water content through your additions to the base.

Ingredients (Adapted list, amount cut in half and removal of egg yolks)
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 and 1/8 cup sugar
1 cup heavy cream
Fresh mint leaves (entire -pre-packaged container of organic mint)
Pinch of salt
6 Oreo cookies
Note: Base recipe taken from

Mint Cookie Ice Cream Recipe
1. Warm milk, sugar, half of the heavy cream, salt and mint
2. Once the milk mixture is steaming, remove from heat, and cover for an hour
3. Strain mixture and mint into a bowl and remove excess liquid from leaves
4. Add remaining heavy cream and mix
5. Store base in fridge overnight and place container to store ice cream in freezer
6. Place mixture into ice cream maker and allow to churn
7. While ice cream churns, crush Oreo cookies into large chunks and toss into a mesh strainer to remove tiny cookie bits and chocolate powder (if you choose to keep them in, it may turn your ice cream base gray)
5. When the ice cream base has the consistency of soft serve yogurt (for my ice cream maker 10-15 minutes) add in the cookie pieces
6. When ice cream is ready, transfer to cold container (stored in the freezer) and freeze for a few hours

Additional Variations
Note: For these recipes the base would be slightly changed, but similar! Let me know if you are interested in any of them!
- Cookies and Cream with Brandy
- Black Sesame
- Chocolate Cake with Strawberries