Monday, October 7, 2013

Funday Monday Links

This could be a useful for Product Development. Serious Eats has started a thread about which words should never be used to describe food. Top offenders include "moist," "sexy," "unctuous," and "crusty."

Looks like Kellogg's, Smuckers, General Mills, and Hersey's are going to have a good year.

A food issue close to my heart: food date labels. The Natural Resources Defense Council and the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic teamed up and wrote a report about the ridiculousness of words such as "best by," "use before," and "enjoy by." It's a long read, but you can learn how these labels contribute to food waste which is a bigger issue than most people realize.

Some science-y GIFs that will make you want to buy a bunch of chemicals. I personally love the ferrofluid.

The difference between baking soda and baking powder, as told by Joy the Baker.

From Scratch: Inside the Food Network is a recently-published book that covers the recipe behind the Food Network. While it doesn't contain a ton of dirty little secrets, the book covers how they went from a tiny start-up to one of the most influential businesses in America. Okay, maybe a few dirty little secrets, like how 9/11 gave them a huge popularity boost...